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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, June 25, 2008


baby, you're badly missed.

unraveled @ 1:06 AM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


i think i'm sick. i hate this musty feeling in the head. it makes your head spin
in circles and make you feel like puking. plus the overpowering tobacco smoke
from mom's cigg isnt really helping. i think i'll go hurl.
goodnight world.

where's my baby?

unraveled @ 1:22 AM

Monday, June 23, 2008


it's been weeks! rawr. hokaydokay, i'm back alright.
anyhow, baby's back from hk, but he's in thailand now. coming back on thursday.
i miss him like many many many can ): this time no internet and skype to talk and
see him. only a few msges and a phone call a day, well, i'm surviving. but i miss him
bad. love you darling. i wish thursday would come more quickly ):

well well, i myself have just came back from htmig retreat chalet (: oh gosh, i loveeeee
them all. haha. they're cool people and we're one biggggg family. the chalet was
awesome! though night cycling to changi kinda killed my ass and legs, it was good.
this many many memories, from the chalet, i'd never forget. we'll grow stronger (:

in a blink, holidays are over, school's back. yeah, it's already monday. goodbye lazy
afternoons, say hello to hectic school days.

momothyqueen (:

sweets (:


the kungfu ppl.


& now, i should try to sleep. my bio clock's a lil hay wired.
goodnight world.

ps: love you baby!

unraveled @ 1:25 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


we weird & queer, if you dont already know.

rawr! i grabbed this from felicia's blog (:

Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italicize the statements that you WISH are true.

I miss somebody right now.
2) I do not watch tv these days.
3) I wear glasses or contact lenses.
4) I love to play video games.
5) I have tried marijuana.
6) I have been in a threesome.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I have changed mentally over the last year.
9) I curse.
10) I am totally smart.

11) I’ve broken someone’s bones.
I am paranoid sometimes.
13) I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
14) I need money right now.
I love sushi.
16) I talk really, really fast.
I have long hair.
18) I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
20) I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I can't survive without Caller ID.
I like the way I look.
23) I am usually pessimistic.
24) I have a lot of mood swings.
25) I have a hidden talent. I don't know what but I'm pretty sure I have one.
26) I am always hyper.

27) I have a lot of friends.
28) I have pecked someone of the same sex. (on the cheeks!)
29) I enjoy talking on the phone.
30) I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
31) I love to shop.
32) Enjoy window shopping.
33) I would rather shop than eat.
34) I don't hate anyone.
35) I am a pretty good dancer.
36) I am completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
37) I have a cell phone.
38) I believe in God.
39) I am an adrenaline junkie.
40) I watch MTV on a daily basis.
41) I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
42) I have rejected someone before.
43) I want to have children in the future.
44) I have changed a diaper before.
45) I have called the cops on a friend before.
46) I am not allergic to anything.
47) I have a lot to learn.
48) I am shy around members with the opposite sex.
49) I have made a move on a friends, significant other or crush in the past.
I have tried alcohol before.
51) I own the South Park movie.
52) I would die for my best friend.
53) I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
54) I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
55) I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
56) Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
57) I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
58) I am happy.
59) I am obsessed with girls/guys.
60) I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
61) I study for tests most of the time.
62) I am comfortable with who I am right now.
63) I have more than just my ears pierced.
64) I walk barefoot wherever I can.
65) I have jumped off a bridge.
66) I love sea turtles.
67) I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
68) Plan on achieving a major goal dream.
69) I am proficient in a musical instrument.
70) I hate office jobs.
71) I love sci-fi movies.
72) I think water rules.
73) I went college out of state.
74) I like sausages.
75) I love kisses.
76) I fall for the worst people.
77) I adore bright colours.
78) I can't live without black eyeliner.
79) I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
80) I usually like covers better than originals.
I can pick up things with my toes.
82) I can whistle.
83) I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
84) I have ridden/own a horse.
85) I still have every journal I've written in.
86) I can stick to a diet.
87) I talk in my sleep.
88) I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
89) I have jazz in my blood.
90) Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
91) I wear a toe ring.
92) I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
93) I am a caffeine junkie.
94) I cosplay or
know what cosplaying is.
95) I have been to over 15 conventions. (should be over 15.)
96) I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
97) I am an artist.
98) I only clean my room when necessary.
99) I like a person of the same sex.
100) I love being happy.

boyf's coming back in about 15 hours time :D
i wish time could move faster, for now.

unraveled @ 3:02 AM

Thursday, June 05, 2008

♥ 3:55HRS AWAY;

as i'm blogging now, my dearest baby is now in hongkong.
sleeping in bed already in fact. his plane left at 11am this morning.
and yes, i was there at the airport to see baby off. was at his house at 8.15am actually.
yeaps, thereafter went down to school for my econs paper at 3pm.
and guess what, even before i went into my exam venue, baby had arrived in hk
already. fast huh (: i'm glad he's there safe and sound, and tucked into bed now.
well, well, six more days till he's back. i hope i'll survive. with his survival kit for me,
i know i can. i just miss him so terribly ): rawr, baby come back quick!

this morning, at his place.

baby's plane getting into position.

of course singapore's airports aint designed to like allow you to actually see the planes
take off or land. i hung around the viewing mall from 10.35am. baby checked in slightly
before that at t3, and so i like took the skytrain myself back to t1, managed to see him
inside the departure gate at t1 again, till he was finally outta sight.
waited till bout 11.10 till the plane finally moved? saw it prepare and all, go down the
runway, but dint managed to see it fly.
kinda had mixed feelings then, i was excited for him, yet i was sad inside cause i miss
him. 6 more days, it'll pass quickly i hope.

i miss you so much baby. have fun in hk.
imma go back to my notes. sleep tight dearest.
love you darling! :D

unraveled @ 12:35 AM

Sunday, June 01, 2008


the start;

rawr. eighth month, finally (: sure seemed much longer.
four more months to a year!

love you much much darling!
ups & downs, highs & lows,
through it all baby!
i love you more than ever! (:

unraveled @ 12:23 AM