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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Thursday, May 31, 2007


Create your own Friend Test here

my oh my, now i kinda wished i was in poly.
seems like a pretty nice life to lead.
but then again, since i've chosen jc, i will pull
through yea. school work's mountaining.
oh God, bless me. *crosses fingers*

i bet vaunt was awesome. too bad i couldnt make
it. gwen had decided to be a daddy's lil' girl & not
go for vaunt. pfft. not so in the clubbing mood just
yet. i'm like more worried about the upcoming
block test. yeahyeah, call me a geek. i like it XD

should i pierce my lips? it's getting really tempting.
now's the period where i've got the phantom for
piercings again. & i cant go for my naval piercing
just yet cause i wont be able to do sports then for
idontknow how long. so yeah, i've got track.
lip piercing, sound good?

went back to bowen today with ernest & mal to
collect my O level certificate. seems so long ago.
so weird being back there. but at least i got to see
mdm sumayah. i miss her so. she's as adorable
as ever! joined the freaking school alumni.
wow, i wonder what would they ask of us?
give me my ex-co certs & testimonial first!!!

wokie. i'm hungry.
btw, i still dont know what url to change to. bahhh.

unraveled @ 1:25 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


i miss...
MI days.
ck boy.
& the gwen months back in MI.

unraveled @ 1:20 AM


yayness. finally changed my blogskin.
but i'll have to have smaller pics now.
-shrugs. i want ice cream! XP

we're so not your average kind of girls.

you bet, she chased after the bus.


muahahas. alright. as promised, pictures from OBS (:
well, i'm missing OBS badly. those 5 days...
definitely unforgettable. i miss sui sen.
am back to reality now. & i just realised the amount of
homework i've got to complete, project work & the
upcoming block test. sigh. stressful, aint it?

well, went out with baby & mal today.
centrepoint's coffeebean. & guess for what?
to do work of course. pfft. baby & i were wrecking our
brains with all the math sums. while mal did cell grp's
birthday cards. & i did help a lil ((:

iloveyouloveme ((:

thank you for being there.

alrighty. track at 8am again tmr. shall run to brother's
room to sleep for tonight. he's over at KL & i could
seriously do with some air conditioning ((:
pw meeting after track tmr. baaah. oh oh, will be going
back to bowen to collect my cert. after such a long time.
i'm finally going back there. hooray? hah.
nighty nights :DD

unraveled @ 12:42 AM

Sunday, May 27, 2007


hey peeps, i'm finally back from OBS.
but but but, gwen is just still too tired to blog about what happened
during the camp. so yeah. cut me some slack & a few days' grace (:
i'd be back to post photos & blog about the camp yeah.
mwahhs :DD cheers.

unraveled @ 1:54 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2007


i've been having persisting fever ever since monday.
oh gosh. it's currently at 37.3 degree now. sigh.
dear god please let me recover, at least get rid of the
fever, it feels awful ): i've got a badminton match to
play tmr & maybe 2.4km to jog for. geees.

i decided to pamper my nano after it was missing &
returned back into my loving arms. so tadaaaaa! ((:

- nano love.

- got one for gaya too ((:

- this lil thing is so adorable.
& i promised to get gaya one too :D

- love.

& i still want the nano skin i saw at bishan! ((:
wokkayy, nighty nights buddies. i'm hitting the hay.
i need tons of rest. which would still not be adequate XP

unraveled @ 9:52 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

♥ LOVE <3

mwahhs; love ((:

i'm so darn sick )):

unraveled @ 10:23 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



mwahhs; i love these guys ((:

hohoho, mightly gwen is sick! after being attacked by germs from zheng yang,
mallory, daddy & eldora for weeks, i've finally surrendered. lol.
oh well, throat infection, i hate it. i just hope i dont lose my voice again.
it sucks. pfft )): i think it's prolly 3 quarters due to exhaustion. baaahhh ):

had the five items stations for napfa today. results ((:
inclined pull-up: 20 (A)
shuttle run: 10.3s (A)
standing broad jump: 214cm (A)
sit-ups: 62 (A)
sit & reach: 47cm (A)

awesome. that's full marks for all. now all i need is a timing below 14.01 minutes
for my 2.4km & i'd get full marks ((:
i feel i still can do more though, for the five stations. shall try harder next year!
weeeee (: now, my whole body's aching. pfft.
shall turn in already, i'm sick, so i should sleep early. yeah? (:

` 15 MAY 2007
it's been an awesome month baby :DD

unraveled @ 12:05 AM

Sunday, May 13, 2007


i want that nano skin!!!

-taken by eldoraaaaa ((:

-when you're so bored by chinese...

- all mine.
osim chair should buzz off! (sorry, inside joke.)

oh well, bye. i'm going for a walkathon with prime minister,
lee hsien long.
i aint kidding XP

unraveled @ 12:38 PM

Monday, May 07, 2007

♥ IPOD <3


muahaha (: i think the person finally felt guilty
enough to return my ipod. mwahhs.
my God is faithful.

on the other hand, my left hip is now injured too )):
pfft. tons of work to complete. till then, photos
for you! :DD

- gwen, mafia?

- i see flying kisses.

-which camera?

Lord i'm hungry, for the mighty move of God.
Lord i'm thirsty, pour out your holy ghost.
Lord i want to see the hand of God move mightily inside of me.
i'm hungry, for the move of God.

unraveled @ 10:48 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2007


why, hello world.
gweniee gwen has lost her ipod ):
i just hope the fella who took it would return it safe & sound.
& if he/she doesn't, i'll freaking curse you!
pfft. it even has my name engraved on the back of it can. urgh.
there's pretty much nothing i can do. sit & wait...
(well baby, dont get too harsh with yourself. it ain't your fault.
you dint wish for it to happen also yea. so don't be so mad with yourself please.)

- webcam is love

& a big thank you to everyone who helped me ask around for my
lost ipod. thanks for all your efforts. thank you.
oh god. please please please give me back my hot pink ipod nano.

unraveled @ 10:56 PM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


hello people. gwen's been missing in action.
i'm sorry, but school's taking a toll over me.
so yeah, which means... lesser time to blog. pfft.

well well, my hip injury's still recovering.
i hope i can run on wednesday. it sucks to sit there & watch the
rest run. pfft. i guess.

hmms, watched 200 pounds beauty, twice.
great show baby. the girl's really pretty while the guy's really
handsome. hah. i want to learn korean!
my korean name's cho yung jang (: hello!

pretty much nth's been happening cept sch, track & church.
seems like i've got no life huh? pfft.
well, maybe sth did happen. but yeah, gwen cant recall.
i'm starting to think that i've got selective memory. uh huh.

oooh yeah, nigel & his gf, steph, were promoting CK's newest scent
'CK IN 2 YOU' ytd right outside heeren (: & yeah, they caught us,
zheng yang & me. steph made us do the graffiti thingy.
or she'd detain my bag -.- lalala. so yeah. drew random stuff. & got
the tester for the perfume. hah. speaking about perfume... it reminds
me.... JEREMY CHANG CHANG! where's the vera wong?! muahaha.

& now, i really want to go to the zoo!


unraveled @ 2:08 AM