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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Friday, October 30, 2009


I hate it that those childish antics of secondary school days are being brought forth. It's like we've never grown up to begin with. However, I do have to agree that gossip sessions has its juicy factor, but the damage that it creates? Infinite. I like the idea of confessions. Well maybe you don't have to be brutally honest, but at least save the hypocrisy.

The world is indeed imperfect;

unraveled @ 3:35 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss.

Falling on the rooftop;

unraveled @ 2:49 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009


As you can see, TAS pretty much look like some resort/club. Travelling to Sentosa to study seem pretty cool and yeah, I'm loving it already. Tutorials hasn't yet started, so I hope my enthusiasm for school would last me through the semester. I now sleep by 1am, and automatically wake up at 5ish when my alarm is at 6.40am. Big improvement, bio clock is still trying to get adjusted, so I'm just really all tired out everyday. So the first week is almost coming to an end, been attending lectures and listening diligently. G, please continue to do so.

Met E at Vivo after school on Tuesday; slacked, chilled and then contemplated life. & since neither of us had tried macaroons, we bought two from Bakerzin before heading home. The Rose flavoured ended up tasting a tad like Bandung while the Hazelnut's not too bad.

Was in town the other day saw "ghosts" prowling about the streets of Orchard promoting this Halloween event called Spooktacular, so my friends and I got really hyped up about going for it. Then this week during Festival & Events management lecture, it was said that Spooktacular was assigned as our field trip. How coincidental. So I bought another 3 tickets for E, Daniel and new friend, Sean, so that they could join me. That said, I'm feeling scared about it already. Don't really like being scared. Hah.

Wednesday was Frolick day with Chels after 9am-1pm lectures. The Management Accounting & Finance lecture was the longest two hours of my life, and I can't really say that I was listening intently. Frolick was heaven, shared the huge take home cup with Chels. Really loving Frolick ttm (Y)

Sometimes I feel like a tortured soul, due to a certain matter. Hokay, maybe 'tortured soul' is too strong a word. But well, I wish things could be simpler. I spend hours thinking daily, never ending questions. I wanted to give up and nearly succeeded in doing so, but it was never meant to be this easy, was it? Say, what if?

Honey, she'll love you;

unraveled @ 8:59 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009


The Dessert House.

Beloved cousin that I've not met up in a long while.

Thursday wasn't such a fruitful day. Did absolutely nothing cept made myself ham & eggs sandwich and Korean drama-ed away. Chels called and alerted me that our timetable is out & damn, we're just one class away. Jamie, needless to say, is in a different class cause she's taking culi. Other than that, Adeline's also in a different class ): But thank goodness I've got both Felicia Ng and Felicia Lee together in H11 with me (Y).

Look at my timetable, awesome or what? No classes on Fridays, this is pure bliss. That means Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays at Tourism Academy and Thursdays back in TP. I really like the sound of long weekends now. Looking at such a timetable makes me excited for school, won't you be? Wokay G, time to be mugging hard for the coming semester (Y).

& it's also now time to KO. Shopping and manicure with E later. Goodnight/morningzx.

Make it a date, tell me when;

unraveled @ 5:43 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009


Last week of semester holidays commences today. I'm both excited and dreading the start of a new semester. Talk about mixture of feelings. Well, that means it's the last week to really party hard before it's back to the boring mundane school life. Then again, studying at the Tourism Academy itself on Sentosa shouldn't be boring, should it? Say hello to the sun, sand and the sea.

Had been partying much of my hols away. Had an Accounting supp paper in between and thank God I managed to pass the paper finally. & now for the next semester they're gonna throw Accounting & Finance on us. Great. Been hitting the clubs pretty often too, crazy nights. & for the first time in 19 years of my life, I was close to getting wasted. Shan't elaborate, but such demented nights shouldn't reenact itself again.

Also been meeting E up a lot more, shopping sessions and manicure madness. I like (Y). Manicure again this week babe, I need to repaint my nails. Life, in general, has been good. & Mummy just subscribed to MioTV. I might just become a couch potato soon. All I need is to get down to the nearby FairPrice to get some groceries and I'd be all set. & I might just do that before Cheer practice in the evening later on (:

Things I've gotta get done before semester 2.2 kicks off:
  • Reset my bio clock.
  • Get a new bag for school (I know, this is just an excuse.)
  • New shoes too!
  • Tidy both my messy rooms.
  • Sun tan again. Hopefully.
  • Dinner/Supper with cheer loves.
Holidays was a tad insane without an organiser. Time to raid ArtBox again. Practice's gonna be good later, I already know. Cause I've been waiting all week to put on my cheer shoes again, hearts.

Game over darling;

unraveled @ 4:40 AM

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Check out my first pair of cheer shoes yo! Arrived finally today & you bet, I was overjoyed. Cept for the part where I took the wrong size and slipped on the US 8.5 and gotten upset that my cheer shoes were too big. But my US 6.5 found me in the end and I'm pretty much in love with the red-blue clip-ons on it. I'll probably change the colours of the clip-ons monthly or something. Hahaha.

I'm really thankful for last week's word by Pastor Tan, it really felt that God was speaking to me right there and then. & He really brought a word for me in its season, it couldn't be more real. What's better was that I was really glad that Dennis had gotten a revelation from the sermon as well. Neither for myself nor others, it's for the sake of Your kingdom.

My entries are getting boring, I'm losing my creativeness in blogging. Oh shit.

Why won't you just take my hand?

unraveled @ 5:59 AM