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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Monday, March 31, 2008


cause i'm just a teenage dirtbag baby.

someone tell me, where's gwen?

unraveled @ 2:47 PM

Sunday, March 30, 2008


dinner at makansutra with boyf today, which means saturday night.
yeah, after parting with cousin. boyf met me after service for dinner (:
i had imagined us sitting by the bay chatting but so unfortunately, there was a gig going
on at the esplande, right beside makansutra and most of the bay-side were like cordoned
off, due to some constructions. pffft. i thought my plans were ruined but spotted the
front entrance of the esplanade, and went outside to chill. and yeah, took many many
pictures. will upload 'em when baby uploads it onto his lappie. boyf loves pictures with
his special effects, but i like pictures which are like... super clear? haha. shrugs. quick get
your SLR baby! :D

well, we met up with his cell to chill at marina square's starbucks thereafter. thank god
we managed to hop on the last train (: and i finally pulled over at my carpark in a cab
with baby at 12plus. i was wondering what daddy would say when i entered my house,
but to my surprise, he wasnt home. haha. mummy aint home either, and neither was
my brother and his girlf, which means, i was home alone. i've got no idea why am i
blogging that, maybe cause i'm waiting for boyf to be done with his sweet & sour soup
and then wash up. psst, he's just done, calling now (:

anyhowwwww, service tmr. though it starts at 12.30pm, i've gotta wake up extra early
later, in a few hours time and get to church by 9.40am. cause a few of members are
getting water baptised! omg, am happyyyyy. haha. i hope daddy will sign my form, so
that i can go for the next one with mallory. or else, i'll just get mummy to sign. hah.
i was asking her if she would sign for me the other day, but i dont know how she
suddenly asked me to go learn driving -.- gees. and so, jurong west by 9.40am. thank
goodness one of members is giving me a lift there. awesomeness. so... i should turn in
like really soon, i think.

i dint get my 'unicorns in space' story ytd, cause i was half awake and it was like 5am.
in the end, baby told me a short story of ' attack of the hamsters', which very sadly,
i dont remember a single detail cause i was probably like... in lalaland. sorry darling.
thus, he has to tell me two bedtime stories later, a repeat of 'attack of the hamsters' and
'unicorns in space' as well. haha. double dose :D yayness.

God of all majesty, Risen King.
Father teach me to love ppl fervantly,
forgive those who has hurt me,
and not judge them on my own.

unraveled @ 1:43 AM

Saturday, March 29, 2008


hurry blog, baby! quick quick quick!
i want my 'unicorns in space' bedtime story!

p.s. your bedtime stories make smile like a nutcase every night (:

all my love;

unraveled @ 1:30 AM

Friday, March 28, 2008


did some retail therapy with my love today. & it feels good. but yet, painful when
you see those money fly, especially in cash. haha. baby's got a new fossil watch!
RAWR. i want a new watch toooooooooo -blinks (: i like his new black watch.

& so... as promised, baby brought me to the bodyshop's warehouse sale today, over
at suntec's convention hall. i must say that i am utterly sick of that place. try working
four days straight at an IT fair, even on your birthday! rawr. sick and scared. haha.
i finally bought my fragrance burner! it's the christmas edition one, and you cant find
it in stores already. also, bought two rich plum home fragrance, which are also christmas
edition ones. uh huh uh huh. i'm a happy kid.

we ended up getting hoaxed into buying contact lens solution as well. 20 bucks, 2 big
bottles, 2 small bottles and a free mug -.- on the way out, some promoter gave me a
small bottle of solution free as well, another brand though. hokay. i think i see the
benefits of fairs more clearly now. hah. that unforch, wasn't the end of those cash flying

while walking back to the train station, we popped by citylink's bodyshop, since shaun
wanted to say hi to his manager friend there. she's so heavily pregnant! omg. you'll have
a healthy baby! yeah, and in the midst, i ended buying make-up and white petals home fragrance. baby bought summer fruit home fragrance, which smells like bubblegum (:

i think i'm hooked onto online shopping.

i cant help but scringe still.

don't we look transparent?

aye, i think i'm ranting loads these days. i should blog more... seriously eh?
anywayyyyy, cell grp bbq tmr! yayness. FOOD!!!
- no mal and kamy.
- it's at west coast -.-

goodnight y'all.
babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. phone phone phone(:

unraveled @ 11:49 AM


dearest boyfriend went for his haircut today.
& you bet, he still look gorgeous. my handsome boy(:

boyf before haircut.

& after.

i know you the difference cant really be seen cause it's too dark. i'll remember to take
pictures in the day then. haha. i kinda like rubbing my face against the shaved parts(:

sweet dreams :D

i'm addicted to you;

unraveled @ 1:15 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2008


this is W260.

father i ask for your grace to be upon me. teach me, guide me. i need you everyday
of my life. you're my beautiful savior, you're the risen king. my bright morning star.
with you, i need not fear. and i'm relieved that you knew me from the very start.

it's to town again today, peeps. imma go blow dry my hair.
baby needs to repair his phone and we're gonna go taper our jeans(:
i think i'm on a blogging spree these days.
love you boyfriend(:

unraveled @ 1:40 PM


for all the hurts and pains you've inflicted on me,
i'd forgive you. but you'd never have my trust again.
i dint really think that man could be so two-faced.
every step you took, was all tricks up the sleeve.
you knew all along, that it was wrong, gravely wrong.
i still cant believe all you've done. i called you a friend.
now... nothing more than just a mere acquaintance.

this chapter is closed and sealed. period.

unraveled @ 1:17 PM


if only every kid is as beautiful as her.
watch it, i tear every time i do.

anyhow, dinner with mummy was bloatingly full.
boyf and i had fun listening to her telling us stories.
haha. coolio. i think my mum's like a big overgrown kid.
she told me to go learn driving, outta the blue. well, since i am
already of the age to learn. and yeah, she's paying. hahaha.

yeaps, so i am signing off yo. boyf's on the phone already,
and he's really tired. time for bedtime story!
town tmr. whee. love you darling. goodnight(:

unraveled @ 1:26 AM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


blogging at the boyfriend's house, as he psps away...
rawr. hokay. now that i wanna complain that boyf is psp-ing
away. he's fnally off it. haha. hokay dokay. we're heading to
have dinner with mummy (:

toodles :D

unraveled @ 8:07 PM


hello hello (:
finally changed layout! phew. haha. took me the whole morning okay.
it wasnt trouble from the codes. rather it was like, edit here edit there.
lol. add on here, add on there. rawr, hassle. but worth it.
and new play list too! i think some of the songs actually hangs. yes/no?
i'll correct it soon, maybe tonight. i'm about to go out to meet baby.
lalala. i'm a happy kid today.

babyyyyyyyyyyy, here i come :D

unraveled @ 12:50 PM


morning y'all (:
gees, i've not been up so early in the morning, without
having to rush off to somewhere, in a very long while.

well, after morning-calling boyf for bout 35mins straight,
i'm pretty much awake already. so i've decided to hang
around the net again. well, maybe change my skin layout.
it's about time. rawr. finally found something that i like.
but maybe i might create a new header-banner thingy,
and change it.

and now boyf's rushing around, getting ready. running
late for his bass lessons. go boyfriend, go!

i kinda like the morning sun;

unraveled @ 9:06 AM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


rawr, an unpredictable shower just hit my area.
and now, i am kinda stuck here. or rather, baby's
stuck at his house and cant come over yet cause
of the rain ): we're supposed to have lunch at the
coffee shop near my block, but i'm kinda thinking
of taking a cab out to some mall, all cause of this
rain): rawr. stop stop stop!
i want my baby, and i want my lunch!

mister boyf having his favourite beef
horfan with me & mummy(:
(this picture's taken real long ago)

yours truly; taken on first day of cny(:

my baby cousin, micah.
same birthday! but i'm like 13 yrs older.

this is cheyanne; boyf's baby cousin.
she's one cutie pie(:

anyhow, easter service this year was awesome.
two different dramas at two different locations.
like before, the dramas has never failed to touch
and move me, in a very special way.
i responded to the altar call, mainly cause i felt that
i've back slided here and there. a period where i
could not feel God's presence with me at all, and man,
i was deeply troubled by that. not to mention pretty
tormented as well, and kinda lost control of my
emotions and all. uh huh. but now, the dark days are
over. i felt the Lord giving me a nudge, to respond to
the altar call, and i'm glad i did.
thank you Jesus, for dying on the cross for me. so that
my sins can be forgiven and that through you, i'd
learn to forgive those who has hurt me. thank you God,
for never leaving me, never forsaking me.
i love you.
i will sing forever, Jesus i love you.
p.s. do you here me talking to you everyday? (:

hokay dokay, am gonna work sth out with baby now,
this heavy showers aint really stopping. pfft.

unraveled @ 2:03 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008


hah. in the midst of getting ready and waiting
for baby to come pick me up, here i am, blogging.
well, it's just gonna be a short one, nothing long.
no stories.

uh huh. so once baby comes, we'll be heading
down to his country club for lunch and thereafter,
play pool perhaps? it's one of boyf's love. pool.
i used to play good, but... hah, have kinda lost
touch and aint that good no more. but it's okay,
i've got the secret 'reset' button (: and that's why
i love pooling with boyf. unlimited resets ((:
haha. well, i suppose we'll just 'lepak' at the club
today and then head over to his house in the
evening? yeah, that sounds good. nothing beats
just spending an entire day with boyf, even if
we dont go down to town or catch movies.
sitting in his arms just takes every worry, hurt
and pain away, even if it's just momentarily.

hokay dokay, shall go blow dry my hair and wait
for boyf :D

you & me; we're meant to be.

unraveled @ 2:50 PM


forever & ever; my superman.

a fresh new start. time to get all serious,
but yet, stack in the fun too (:
hah. dont mind me. pretty much over the moon.
gibberish starts coming out.

whee. you know, i love my darling.
he's someone so true, his loving words like tight
embraces. i've got the warmth (:

and i know i'm the only one he loves;
yeah, that's how sure i am.

baby's on the phone with me, so...
i'm outta here. toodles.

unraveled @ 2:09 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2008


even though it's driving me mad.
for you, i will.

i'll keep waiting till that day
when you come back from home to me.
life's too short to live without you,
where you are is where i want to be.


unraveled @ 3:12 PM


i hope you're alright.

unraveled @ 2:36 AM


the rhythm to the songs in my mind;
the sunshine to my rainy days;
the light during my darkest hours;
the smile to my sad faces.

day five;
two more to go.
i miss you so, do you know?
p.s i love you.


unraveled @ 12:54 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


i miss you.

with all my love;

unraveled @ 1:30 AM

Saturday, March 15, 2008


i tell you. poly enrolment packages can be such
a great hassle. pfft. troublesome please. i wanna
cry. rawr. i hope i can send 'em all in by today.

i love my baby. thank you for dropping by my
window. and sorry bout today ):
your lovely face and familiar scent at my window
just before midnight takes away all sadness today
darling. thank you so much.

anyhow, i am going back to watch hell's kitchen.
last episode today(: i hope virginia wins.
oh, and why did they regroup fans and favourites
of survivor micronesia? booooo):

you've kissed my tears away;

unraveled @ 12:55 AM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


i had my best birthday yet(:
wonderfully memorable.
thanks to my amazing boyf for planning it all,
to hooper, kenneth, rainft, adrina and celestine
for spending my eighteenth with me, to kristle
who visited me at suntec, to mal and ryan who
wished me over the phone, and of course to those
who dropped me birthday wishes via sms and
friendster. thank you all so much :D

well, though we were working our asses off, dearest
boyf took extra effort to plan my wonderful birthday
celebration. worked from 9.30am till 10.30pm that
day and thereafter headed to hooper's house for the
celebration and as well to stay the night with boyf.
ah, you might have thought that my celebration was
a mundane of just singing birthday song, then make a
wish and then blow the candles.
no way yo. with hooper around, he makes sure i worked
for my presents and cakes. haha.

first, i got blindfolded and made to walk all around
hooper's condo, going up and down flights of stairs till
i finally reached the poolside. cake number one
appeared (: next, i was made to like spin, run, sit, and
even scale the very narrow pavement of the poolside.
uh huh. and when i arrived at hooper's apartment,
i had to search for my guests and then guess who they
were. which includes rainft the moo, adrina and
celestine(: thereafter to a game of marco polo to obtain
my presents. gee, it was tiring especially after 4 days of
awful work. nevertheless, it was all worthwhile and special.
it made my birthday even more special.

got treated to a video in which there were 'tributes' from
lovely friends in my life(: then, another cake appeared,
this time it was a full cake instead of the initial one,
which was a slice only. haha. well, when we were finally
done with all the singing, making wishes, cutting the
cake, getting prayed for and eating, we played "indian
poker". cept that we revised it and had to guess for
famous icons instead. the rest of them then proceeded
to play bingo after we got bored, while i fell asleep
instead on the couch. i was dead tired. more like
exhausted and fatigued from work.

well, rainft, adrina and celestine left bout 6-7plus in the
morn. and boyf and i finally retired to our room for some
rest. working at the IT fair really killed all our energy.

anyway, pictures from the birthday celebration are with
rainft, so till he uploads and sends em to me then(:

presents received thus far:
- GUESS bracelet from cellgrp
- GAP red tee from cellgrp
- Gap grey tee from hooper and kenneth
- LeSportSac pencil case from adrina and celestine
- NUM vouchers from kamy
- red packet from dad
- sony vaio lappie from mum
- wristlet from kristle

thank you all for your blessings. and yes, boyf still
owes me my present :D

look at my pretty pretty vaio lappie(:
bought it at the IT fair i worked at. it
came with the pink mouse and i bought the pink
casing to go along. hah. lovin' it:D

i should prolly get to bed. it's already 4.16am.
gee. and i wanna talk to my baby too. he's watching
soccer match, liverpool vs inter-milan, i think.
aight. goodnight peeps(:

thank you dearest darling.
it was definitely a memorable & special birthday.
thank you for all the effort.
i loved it very very much.
most of all, i love you; forever & ever.

unraveled @ 3:50 AM

Thursday, March 06, 2008


well, hello. i've got work at 9am later.
God knows why i'm still up.
& i've not memorized any of the notes.
working at IT fair btw (:

ps: i've updated my wishlist cause birthday's
round the corner. so random updates on it.

unraveled @ 2:01 AM