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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

♥ BUS 138.

well, that's basically the bus that takes you down to
the Singapore Zoo from angmokio interchange :D
with that...

hah. i'm sorry if my phone camera sucked. pictures are
on boyfriend's camera. so... i'll have to wait for it!
well, definitely an awesome day it was. what beats not
having to pay to get in?! how? muahaha, aint telling XP

it's been long since i went back to that place. i
remember i used to hate having to go to the zoo.
and why so? well, you wouldnt like it if you had to do
stinky math trails! retarded aint it? fancy going around
solving math problems, especially if that area is
stinking with animal waste, instead of happily strolling
while getting fascinated by the animals with your lovely
boyfriend and friends? rawr. aight, weird thing is, i sense
a tiny tinge of nostalgia as i recalled how we girls got all
screamy in that free-roaming reptile land. ahhh, those
secondary 1/2 days. fringeless faces, high socks and
long skirts. yikes. sure seemed like a decade ago.

last of all, nothing beats nice, freezing cold ice-cream
after the long walks, sweaty bodies and mozzie bites.
especially if there was B&Js right in your faces
immediately after you get outta the zoo. uh huh, so
although agreeing to save more money, dearest
boyfriend and i couldnt resist the temptation and got our
hands on 1 scoop of MANGO SORBET and 1 scoop of
CHEERY GARCIA. *slurps* while mallory and her
friend, tim tom tan, both bought LEMONADE
(or is it just lemon?) SORBET. mal bought a scoop
while tim tom tan crazily bought THREE scoops.

oh oh! we got to feed the joeys! rawr. the kangaroos, i
mean! oh my goodness, freaking cute. melts. -boing.
the australian outback reminds me of steve irwin, and
that makes me emo. period. hokay, enough gwen!

anyhow, introducing these two other adorable lil',
hokay not really lil', animals...



it's not that i'm bias and i love pluto more, it's just that
prisca isnt really in favour of taking pictures. rawr.
these two are boyfriend's dogs and sometimes they
steal too much of my attention that boyf makes noise,
that's if i complain bout him fifa-ing too much on the
psp -pfft. pluto's a pure golden retriever while
prisca's a mix between a black labrador and a rottweiler
(: dont be fooled by pluto's innocent look in the first
picture. he will leap onto you with his mud coated paws
and dirty whatever you're wearing! rawr. bad, bad pluto.

boyfriend's mugging hard while i am blogging away now.
supp paper coming up. and you bet, i'm missing him
loads, not being able to talk to him yet ever since he sent
me home just now. boooooo. so i've channeled my
attention to my much neglected blog. bahh, i'm sorry for
the hiatus again. anyway, i've got a job (: at centrepoint,
where boyfriend works at thebodyshop, while i work for
Simont. there's soooo much to learn and remember i'm
going all dizzy. hah. but am lovin' it :D

aight, had my last service at expo on last saturday.
boohoo. shifting over to service on sunday at jurong
west for the time being ): with 95% of my cell members
all staying in the west, w260 was selected to shift over
to jurong west, sunday service.
and that means having to wake up super early for usher
duty cause service at jw would start at 12pm, having to
travel all the way there, splitting up with my usher team
as some stays in expo while some change over to jw too
but are in a different group ): G1S4, hearts, and leaving
baby behind in saturday's service.
but! it's all for God. these sacrifices have to be made.
God-first, that's how i want my life to be lived.
we'll build you a great house father God. arise and build!

praise the Lord, for blessing me with such a wonderful
and loving boyfriend (: shaun isaac tan cheuk mun.
your patience and understanding overwhelms me.
having to put up with my tantrum throwings,
stubbornness, willfulness, pettiness. heh. sorry kay.
girlfriend will grow up, soonXD
thank you boyfriend! i want you with me from now till
eternity! i love you many many!

unraveled @ 1:55 AM

Sunday, November 25, 2007



i love you many many!
& i cant wait to go over your new home to stay (:
soonest! hope you love the gift. mwahhs :D

unraveled @ 11:50 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007




i love you baby dearest.
& i want to spend eternity with you.

unraveled @ 1:25 AM

Sunday, November 11, 2007


service was good. re-pledged for building fund.
God is good. and i believe that He would surely
tide me through. blessings are already pouring in
even before i sowed. my God is amazing.

there was a guest singer today, carola. i like her stage
persona. she just has this... wonderful way of engaging
with the crowd. and not to forget, her voice is really
awesome. that's one impactful voice she's got (:

service was till 9pm this week, but chc's so ever on fire
for God. 4 hours, and for ministry and staff members,
we were there hours earlier already. but no complaints,
we're all serving our God. my greatest honour will always
be to serve my Lord and King :D

i'm loving you baby. more and more each day.
may God bless us as we enter into Arise & Build.
truly, this may be a test of our faith. i believe that
when we put God first, all things would work out
for us. it's your 3rd A&B while the 1st for me, it's gonna
be one tough and testing period. but we'll hang in there
baby, forever and ever (:


unraveled @ 2:33 AM

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


it's you. i'm sure. the feeling of your presence, i'd
always remember. the most intimate touch, your
overwhelming love. father god, forgive me. i've been
foolish, and i thank you for your guidance once again.

yes god, i will step out of my comfort zone. for you, yes
i will. i want to always put you first in my life, help me
lord. without you, i am nothing. you're my strength, and
i want to lean on you forever. hide me under your wings,
for that is where i want to take refuge. i love you.
Abba Father, never let me go.
1 John 4:19
We love Him because He first loved us.

it's the start of the building fund from this month
onwards. i pray hard that i'd be able to fulfill my
pledge. it's not a large amount, but it's my first
time pledging and i honestly dont know how much
i actually save per month. but with god's grace, i
believe that i'd be able to fulfill it! :D and not to
forget my tithe too. i believe that as i sow, i will
definitely reap. god loves a cheerful giver! ((:
Luke 6:38
Give and it will be given to you; good measure,
pressed down, shaken together, and running over
will be put into your bosom. For with the same
measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.

boyfriend i love you. and thanks for standing
by me no matter what happens. i love your
gentleness and your patience with me (:
you're off today, awesomeness. out we go!

in case some of you dint know, i actually intend
to drop out of college and go to poly, perhaps.
yeaps, now that jc's finally over, it's time to decide
where i want to go from here, and i pray for god's
guidance. uh huh, so after i decide and register and
all, i'd prolly want to get a job. need the extra cash.
it's building fund period man! and note the unfulfilled
wishlist? hah. though i've never really actually worked.
rawr. i can do it! hah.
not fair, mummy's friend bought her a new phone.
and she hasnt gotten me mine! rawr! on top of that,
she even spanked my ass when i said that that phone
should be given to me. pfft.

unraveled @ 2:54 AM

Saturday, November 03, 2007


sorry for the long hiatus! XP

01 NOVEMBER 2007

not one day of not seeing each other. even since
before we got together. hooray (: now i really
wonder how i'd survived when you go into NS or
when you go on a holiday? rawr. -shudders.

had OP (oral presentation) earlier on in the day, so
could only meet baby at mid-noon, he's so sweet he
came and picked me up from school again (: well, then
i went home. bathed, changed, while baby waited at void
deck, bahh. wokay, we then had dinner at fish & co over
at centrepoint. why centrepoint? cause it's where we
met and where our story unfold :D
thanks baby for the me-to-you bear (it's lovely) & the
necklace from simont :D

anyhow, here's pictures we cam-whore on our
anniversary. enjoy (:

the love of momo's life (:

i am uber gay;


there he is; my love.

i look short here -.-

baby and i also caught a movie impromptu-ly.
THE GAME PLAN. oh my gosh, it's awesome i
tell you! it's roughly 2 hours. oh man, i wanna
watch it again, you heard it, shaun?!

i crieddddd. rawr. and i was freezing in the cinema.
over at Esprit's changing room, that's baby's cardigan
i'm wearing (:

finally. finally. finally received my usher plastic tag!
rawr! how awesome is that?! muahahaha. usher tmr,
support duty. can queue with baby again. yayness.
hokayyy, shall go offline already, need sleep & so does
my dearest. i love you shaunisaactancheukmun!
i should tell you sth you dont already know yeah? XD

unraveled @ 12:49 AM