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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

♥ Everyday, you're the first & last thing on my mind.

& every other second, you're all I think of

Am dead tired and dying to sleep now but my cough & tummy upset is stealing every single second of sleep left from me )): Morning shift today & the boy's gonna be waking me up at 5plus. I should try turning in again after this entry. I've not been blogging in awhile aye?

So.. I've gotten my iPhone 4!! Finally decided on iPhone so I went to queue for it right after my night shift at Bugis. Though it did cost me a hefty sum of close to 800 :/ thank god for mummy who subsidized almost all of it that I'm not broke now ((: 22 more days till my favorite boy is forever outta tekong, & regains his freedom & most importantly his pink IC ^^ 11 more days till internship ends and back to TP for me. I've been stressed recently ever since the most recent classroom session on the 15th. So many deadlines to meet! & only about 2 weeks to complete the research paper after it gets approved. Internship report to do up before 31st. Research paper draft by 23rd. Napfa on the 15th of Feb :/ (tell me why do I have to take napfa again?) & research paper due on the 16th. Thereafter there's still the research interview. Oh goddd!!! Why so many things?! Sigh. Thankfully it's gonna be the last lap of poly life. Seriously can't wait to graduate.

Sick again (& so is the boy). Hate it when it's a cough. I always get woken up coughing and then can't fall back to sleep cause I can't stop coughing. This suck much. I've about 4 hours of slp left ): on a happier note, Chinese new year is coming!! Can't wait at all!! All the bak kwa, cornflake cookies, mee siam... Om nom nom. I'm damn hungry now, stomach is growling again. Need to go Chinese new year shopping with the boy ^^ okay dokes. I should turn in now or Wang is going to be scolding me very badly later :/ wan an!!

unraveled @ 12:49 AM