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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

♥ Throw some glitter, make it rain on.

Hohoho. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.. I is no longer a bummer! I've gotten a job ^^ Yayyy. Well, had really been sitting around doing pretty much nothing ever since my final module in poly ended. Was really bent on getting a job immediately initially, but I guess the taste of liberation and freedom soon got the better of me. Still, I'm glad I took about 2 whole months of "holidays". I've had loads of fun with Wang.. usssgflyershitloadsofmovieseateateatnonstopfroyooystermeesua
swimmingtanningmyawesome21stbirthdayshopping24/7.. so on and so forth. Also, not forgetting all the meet-ups with my favourite bffs that I've managed to have. All in all the past two months were great (Y) but now it's time to start earning some money to at least try to put back what I've been spending :/ I know.. talk so long but haven't tell you where I'm going to work right? Hmm.. maybe the next post or something. Ambiguous a bit. Hah. Well, it's nothing big but I like how the schedule can be really flexible for me and the proximity of the work place is real convenient. So yeah. Anyhow I'm here to update on bbg E's 21st birthday party.. Ikr. I've not even blogged about mine :/ Soon luh kay.

Lighting at her bed at Hard Rock's suite was just right..

But I can't say the same for the lighting in the living room area.

So anyway, this perhaps ain't a proper update of E's birthday cause the gazillion pretty and clear pictures I've snapped were on her camera and she has yet to upload any and I think she's going to take about a 100 years to do so. It was an awesome night. Crazy ass amount of alcohol and I think the drinking games managed to kill some of the guests. Best entertainer of the night has got to be Jeremy, E's classmate. He's pretty hilarious, I like (Y) So I think the killer alcohol of the night was the absinthe. I dint drink too much of it thankfully since it tasted badly of medicine/cough syrup. Cheers to 'Going hard, party rock' Happy twenty-first, I love you bbg! ^^

After I was done getting prep-ed up for the party..

Waiting endlessly for Mok & Eadelin for 2 hours -.-

This baby arrived yesterday around mid noon and thanks to FindMY who delivered it personally to me last night, I've it sitting right next to me as I blog now. So elated! Had been wanting a Fisheye Lomo for ages and at last! ^^ Loaded it with its first roll of film already and I can't wait to get out and snap away with it later :DD

Anyhow.. Wang is starting work today! & is waking up soon to prepare and get to work. So happy that he had gotten a job and is going to have monetary inflow again instead of just outflow all the time. However.. that kinda mean lesser time for us now ): But it's okay I guess. School will eventually commence for both of us, perhaps it's good for us to get used to starting now. Not meeting for a day or two or three wouldn't kill anyway. Love you anyhow ^^

This week I've gotta meet E and do our mani/pedi, collect my graduation gown at TP, meet up together with Wang's bffs to settle the details of our bkk trip, start packing my rooms cause I'm shifting soon, attend Gaya's 21st and meet K up if possible. All these before I officially start work next week.. On a really disappointing note, dad and mum won't be able to attend my graduation ceremony ): Even my brother can't.. All cause the appointment with HDB has to so unluckily clash. !@#$%^&*() Pfft. Why so suay one? Ah but it's okay luh.. My aunts will be taking my parents' place instead.

So.. my resolution to sleep earlier like by 3am was to no avail yet again. Why am I always so awake during the unearthly hours? I think I need more will power. Alright, imma crash before the sun rises. Wang is going to scold me.. sigh )):

unraveled @ 5:27 AM